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an External Link in the Top Nav

External Links are assets that can be used to take the User to a page outside your website. They are direct links that can be placed in your site contents to populate in your navigation menus. 

This is useful if you need a link on your navigation bar to a page in another site, or even an asset within your site (such as a word document, PDF, or other download) that you want a direct link to. A link to an email address is also considered an external link. 

Please note: If the linked page or asset is not inside your folder tree, it is considered an external website link and it will take the user outside your site, too.

How to Create Ext. Links

Click the (+) Add Content button at the top left and choose External Link. Depending on your site's factory asset setup, this may be found within a folder called default or perhaps one called Advanced Assets.


1. Give this new asset a name with no spaces or capitals.
2. Insert the URL to the external page or asset.


Click on the Metadata tab to input a Display Name and Title for this asset.*
*You may need to Save (Submit) the asset first, and then open it again to edit the Metadata tab.

3. Display is used internally and will not be seen by visitors.
4. Input a Title. This will be seen by visitors.



The Preview panel will show the URL this link will follow.


On your site contents, the external link will appear among your other assets.


Make sure to Sort it as you would a page.


External links show up on your Automatic Top Nav menus.